It's ON!!!

I have this light beside my bed that I use for reading and easy access before heading off to sleep each night.  I've actually had it since college so it's been in my possession for a minute or two, doing a lovely job of nighttime illumination.  Recently I was out of town for several days.  When I returned, my light wasn't working anymore. I thought perhaps the bulb was out so I changed it.  Nothing.  Checked the cord.  Looked OK.  Put a few different types of bulbs in, but alas, it seemed the time had come for my sweet little desk lamp to retire.   There it's been sitting for a couple months now.  Don't ask me why I hadn't swapped it out yet, I just hadn't.  Meanwhile, I was using the overhead light and scented candles, (a bit risky to have fire so close to your head when you fall out as easily as I do)!  Well, today as I was straightening up behind the bed, I noticed the light wasn't plugged in.  No matter, I had already checked that the first time.  But just for the heck of it, I plugged it in, turned it on and what do you know...the light worked perfectly.  I don't know if there had been a short or something before, but the fact of the matter was, the light was working all along.  The lamp provided me with the opportunity to see things in a whole new way.  It just needed to be plugged in.  
This reminded me of an important truth principle operating in our lives.  That we are the light of the world.  We are unique, individualized lampshades of the Divine Wholeness and Brilliance of God.  We simply need to plug ourselves in with daily meditation and prayer and remember IT'S ON!  Just like the sun is always shining, the Spirit of Love is always providing us with the power to illuminate the world with our personal expression.  And it is our willingness to tap in to the Eternal and shine our light that allows darkness throughout the world to cease, revealing the glorious luminosity of Heaven here on Earth.  The song "We Are The Power" speaks to this.   There is no monolithic entity that dictates what we can and cannot do, no institution that resides over us.  There is simply a peaceful, graceful, joyous energy of Love that is available to us in the very moment we turn to it and remember we are It's creation.  We are God's own.  We are the light and when we are willing to shine, people will see the world in a whole new way.  A little brighter, a little clearer, much more beautiful.  Take the time to commit to this knowing and then be sure you are plugged in.  After that, IT'S ON my amazing friends. It's time to shine!!  

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